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Mesne Lea

Primary School

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SEND or Supporting pupils with additional needs

Our Vision


At Mesne Lea Primary School, we have high expectations of all children, staff and parents. By working and learning together, we are confident that the children will grow, learn, and flourish into confident young adults equipped to face the challenges of the future. We are committed to offering an inclusive ethos to ensure that all children fulfill their potential whatever their individual needs and abilities may be.


In keeping with our inclusive ethos, we will ensure that all children fulfil their potential through a robust policy of Assess, Plan, Do, Review. This allows children to receive a bespoke curriculum which wholeheartedly embraces personalised learning and support. All teaching builds on what the children already know, can do and understand. We will strive to respond to learners in ways which consider their varied life experiences and needs within class wherever possible. This support may take the from of a teacher or teaching assistant on a 1:1 or small group basis. It may also take the form of differentiated or hands on tasks. Our Curriculum incorporates both the Academic and the Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs of all our children. We aim to ensure that children’s individual strengths and talents are recognised and celebrated in all areas of school.


As a Dyslexia Friendly School our teachers employ a range of strategies to support all learners, developing different learning styles. We are also currently striving to gain Emotionally Friendly School’s status in the coming year. We look forward to further involving yourselves as parents and developing/establishing Parent Forum for our SEN/D children.



Our SEND pupils say:

“The teachers make learning very fun and interesting”.

“This is a happy school. The children are nice to me”.

“I feel happy and safe all the time at school”.

Individual Support Plan (ISP)
Your child may have an individual support plan created for them which outlines their needs and support that they will receive in school. On the plan we implement short-term, medium-term and long-term outcomes for the child, giving them achievable and aspirational outcomes to work towards whist at Mesne Lea.


The ISP is reviewed twice a year with the parent, the class teacher and the SEND lead. This is where we will look at the outcomes for the child and plan for next steps to further their progress. We shall also look at their strengths and barriers to learning and parent and child views as it is important to take on board external factors when reviewing these plans.


 If you do have any questions about the plan, please do contact your child's class teacher, or Mrs Dougill after if needed.



Mrs Dougill 

SEN Information Report April 2024
