Mrs Foster - Computing Leader
In Computing, we follow the Kapow scheme of work, which has been developed using a range of resources. Learning in Computing is facilitated through the teaching of four key themes: Digital Citizenship, Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. These four themes run throughout the year groups in school, showing a clear progression of skills and knowledge. They are all taught at the same time across the school to ensure consistency.
The four key themes are outlined as follows:
Digital Citizenship
Children need to examine the consequences of their online activity–both good and bad. When teaching Digital Citizenship it is vital that we thoroughly embed the principles of staying safe online and then move onto web content and how they interact with it. It is important to use real world examples with our children to ensure that their learning is relevant to their life experiences. We have adopted and incorporated the Project Evolve (Education For A Connected World) framework into the teaching of Digital Citizenship, showing clear progression and learning objectives across all the primary Key Stages. It focuses specifically on eight different aspects of online education: Self-image and Identity Online relationships Online reputation Online bullying Health, wellbeing and lifestyle These are covered under the Information Technology section: Managing online information Privacy and security Copyright and ownership As part of our Digital Citizenship topic, we also use a range of stories based on moral dilemmas, which have been carefully picked to bring up sensitive issues, suitable for different key stages.
Digital Literacy
This unit teaches pupils how to be digitally literate when it comes to using a range of software (including the Internet). It encourages pupils to combine the core skills listed below to accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
Collaboration - The ability to work collaboratively with others, with strong interpersonal and team-related skills. Creativity - Being able to weigh up opportunities in an entrepreneurial manner and ask the right questions to generate new ideas.
Critical thinking - Being able to evaluate information and arguments, identify patterns and connections, and construct meaningful knowledge and apply it in the real world.
Citizenship - The ability to consider issues and solve complex problems based on a deep understanding of diverse values and a worldview.
Character - Traits such as grit, tenacity, perseverance, and resilience; alongside a desire to make learning an integral part of living.
Communication - Being able to communicate effectively through a variety of methods and tools to a range of different audiences.
Computer Science
Computer science teaches students design, logical reasoning, problem solving and resilience - all valuable well beyond the computer science classroom. The ability to create and adapt new technologies distinguishes computer science from digital literacy; which focuses more on using existing technologies (e.g. word processing and spread sheets). We regularly visit Bolton Schools ICT to deliver Computer Science lessons to create programs using the most up to date forms of technology.
Information Technology
This is how we interface with technology using existing hardware. We need to teach children how to navigate around a variety of devices, type, save work, find and move files. We also provide children with an understanding of the Internet and the web, how to use search engines, understand networks and generally be efficient and independent users of a range of technologies.
Within the EYFS, Computing is integral to the Early Learning Goal of Understanding the World where pupils are encouraged and supported to “recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools” and “select and use technology for particular purposes”. Our curriculum begins focusing on the key theme of Digital Citizenship, in which our youngest children are encourage to say how they are feeling when using technology and link this to real life and emotions. They also consider the emotions of others and describe ways in which people can be unkind online. Children are also taught to identify rules both in and beyond the home when using technology and how we can use the internet to communicate with people we know. Furthermore, children have the opportunity to engage in discussion through the reading and sharing of books which present moral dilemmas in the context of a child friendly story.
Our EYFS children are given many hands on opportunities to develop their use of technology including the setting of Purple Mash tasks to support other areas of the curriculum, introduction of Beebots and giving instructions in the simplest form of an algorithm, developing directional language and the use of remote control toys.
Computing is taught on a weekly basis in KS1. Within KS1, we ensure that our expectations enable all pupils to establish and begin to develop the key skills, knowledge and principles of using technology. The content is grouped under the four key themes as mentioned before. Building upon the outcomes achieved by the end of the EYFS, children in KS1 further develop their understanding of how to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identifying where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. They develop their skills across a range of software, using simple keyboard shortcuts, basic use of Microsoft Word and how to organise, store and manipulate digital content. Once again, a range of books and stories are used to start conversation around sensitive issues that arise when using technology. In Computer Science, Year 1 focus solely on algorithms, firstly completing unplugged activities before progressing onto using the Beebots as their understanding increases. Year 2 progress further, developing their knowledge of algorithms but progressing further onto events and programs in Computer Science. Privacy online is discussed, starting with basic usernames and passwords and their use. In Information Technology the focus is on effective searching on the Internet, including navigating simple webpages and using key words in search engines.
Computing is taught on a weekly basis in KS2. During their time in KS2, children build upon their computing experience from KS1. Children will develop further as respectful digital citizens and will learn about social networking sites, online gaming and different types of attention through debates and key questions. The children will be exposed to a variety of strands such as self-image and Identity, online relationships, online reputation, cyber bullying and its effects and the impact of technology on health, wellbeing and lifestyle. Once again, age appropriate books are used to support the teaching of Digital Citizenship, presenting children with a range of moral dilemmas. Pupils will be taught to use a range of software to accomplish given goals, such as spreadsheets, databases, moviemaker and garage band.
As pupils progress as computer literate digital citizens we aim for the following outcomes:
• Demonstrating the skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute to life in modern Britain.
• Pupils will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and to engage with the ever changing world as responsible digital citizens now and in the future, including distinguishing between right and wrong when using technology.
• Children will appreciate quality literature in the Computing curriculum, based on key elements of digital citizenship, valuing the importance of reading being the foundation stone of knowledge.
Through the extent that our curriculum offers, our children become passionate users of technology, who are inspired by their topics, are curious to find out more about the online world and have a love of Computing and a desire that will motivate them to develop their knowledge for the rest of their lives.