Breakfast and After School Club provision at Mesne Lea Primary School provided by Kickstart
Breakfast Club
Times of Sessions: Monday – Friday 7.30am – 9am
Cost of Sessions: £4.50 per child
If your child is attending an afterschool club session, they will start their session with a healthy teatime snack. The children will access their snacks in a self-serve style which is a fundamental part of the EYFS and helps children learn self-help skills, turn-taking and social skills. Snacks include wraps, crackers, pasta, soup, beans on toast and yoghurt; water and fruit are always available.
We operate a two-week rotational snack menu and this changes to suit the season.
After School Club
Time of Sessions: Monday – Friday 3.20pm – 6pm
Cost of Sessions: £10.50 per child
We operate an online booking system for our breakfast club and after-school clubs. If you would like to book your child/children onto our clubs, then please use the online booking system by following this link and clicking Book Online. Once you have completed your initial registration it is then simply a matter of selecting the sessions you would like your child/children to attend and completing the booking.
The online booking system ensures that all children are signed in and out of the club, as well as having all relevant, and up-to-date contact details. You are also able to complete any dietary requirements or medical conditions.
If you require any further information about our clubs or need help with your booking, please contact us on 0800 023 5752 or email us on